Growing the organizations and people the future needs, now

circles overlapping green orange black

The complex times we live in require courage paired with holistic approaches that are systemic — and address the contexts that influence us, and that support us to integrate the past while connecting with the emerging future.

I accompany and guide organizations and individuals in growth processes, offering consulting, facilitation, and mentoring and that results in increased clarity, direction, and impact. My passion for possibility supports tuning into a future you never dreamed was right at your fingertips.

"Stuck" can be a sign that something wants to come back into balance. The path back to vitality and flow begins with seeing "what is" and finding a new perspective.

From the strategic to the intuitive, from emergence to the practical, this holistic, ecological approach will bring a breadth of insights that will support you or your organization’s next steps.

Creating the organizations of the future

We are in a time of evolution for organizations. The world is changing at a rapid pace and current organizational structures and cultures are no longer suitable for the complexities of what we are facing.

It’s time to innovate and to develop organizational structures, processes, and cultures that can evolve and adapt and are in tune with the emerging future.

I have a deep passion and interest in supporting change and transformation for existing organizations, as well as working with founders to establish a healthy foundation for new organizations.

Imagine: strategy meets planning meets emergence. I meet each new client where they are at, designing and developing a journey that brings support to exactly where it is most needed.

Services for organizations:

  • Consulting support for startups and founders, helping to build the culture and frameworks for success

  • Advising on the the development of leadership and organizational structures through the lens of systems (and ecological) thinking

  • Be-spoke process design for strategic planning, team development, staff retreats, succession, community engagement, and more

  • Facilitation - meetings, processes, “away-days,” workshops

  • Retainer work - dedicated hourly commitment each month for systemic strategic advising and consulting

  • Leadership development and mentorship, as well as succession planning

  • Systemic constellations for individuals, teams, or the whole organization

Systemic leadership for a changing world

Walking the labrynth of leadership

It is time to move beyond models of leadership that focus on short-term gains, exploiting resources and people for immediate benefits. These outdated models have resulted in environmental degradation, social inequality, and economic instability, as well as unhappy.

New emerging forms of leadership are systemic (seeing the whole as greater than the sum of its parts) and regenerative (seeing everything as interconnected).

A regenerative leader seeks to create systems that are restorative, resilient, and adaptable, and co-creates nurturing life-affirming organizations, teams and communities. And, they tend to the inner landscape within themselves that influences everything they are creating.

I support leaders to lead from the inside out — developing the inner capacities and awareness that enable the external practices of leadership.

Services for founders, leaders, and teams:

  • Systemic mentoring over the short term (6 sessions) or medium term (6 months - one year) to support transitions, deep exploration of personal development, leadership evolution, or how to experience both balance and the expansiveness of your full potential

  • Support for founders and startups, at any stage of your journey

  • Single sessions with systemic constellations to address an immediate need to shift patterns, uncover blind spots, or identify next steps

  • Team sessions to create greater alignment and connection to purpose, explore solutions to stuck problems, systemic mentoring to expand sensing skills and evolve systemic thinking

Individual and group systemic constellations

We are part of multiple systems in our lives – the networked elements that include our ancestors and families, communities (from close friends to larger groups we are a part of), work, and even the cultures and societies we live in.

Systemic constellations are a facilitated, experiential practice in sensing into systems, first developed by Bert Hellinger. Learn more about how constellations work.

Through the practice, we are able to illuminate hidden the hidden dynamics that inform our behaviours, decisions, and the unfolding of our lives.

I have trained in systemic coaching and family constellations facilitation, and being a practitioner of this work has become foundational to all of my offerings.

Services for individuals and groups:

  • Systemic and Family Constellations single session: A single solutions-focused session can often unlock a pattern that has been in place for years (or generations) giving you new perspectives.

  • Systemic Mentoring: I work with individuals over a series of 3-6 sessions, minimum, to diagnose and resolve persistent patterns and to learn how to see and experience the world through a systemic lens. A significant focus is placed on broadening perspective and accessing supportive resources.

  • Workshops and events: I offer online workshops and work with groups online or in person, upon request.

  • Retreats: Stay tuned for retreat offerings, in collaboration with other skilled practitioners.

Systemic Constellations

The basis of Life is relationship. Everything happens in relation to parts of ourselves, to other individuals, groups and family, and the natural world. The cycles of giving and receiving are limitless.

However, often the flow of life and love gets entangled or blocked. We get confused in the face of uncertainty. Patterns repeat themselves. Or we feel like we have lost our connection to our sense of belonging or the direction of our lives.

Systemic constellations are a facilitated, experiential practice that allows us to sense into systems and make internal shifts that unblock and return the system to balance.

First developed by Bert Hellinger to look at family systems, constellations are a powerful tool for navigating complexity and challenging dynamics with ease and alignment for organizational work as well as personal relationships.

Healthy systems are essential for a healthy world. Often what we think is “our” problem, is often systemic and therefore needs to be addressed at that level in order to free you up.

I offer individual and group sessions.

  • Through simple embodied approaches, we can “sense” into the deep and hidden wisdom of a system and engage in dialogue with it.

    For each session the facilitator works with the issue holder (or client) to clarify the intention of the session and to formulate a question or area of exploration on which the constellation will focus.

    We then identify the essential elements involved in the system that is being explored, which can include people, places, parts of our selves, archetypes, or other elements. These elements are then represented within a dynamic map that creates an external picture of an unexpressed internal picture of relationship systems.

    This is either done through having human “representatives” step in (when working in groups), or through the use of figures, floor markers, or guided visualisation. Through these maps we are able to sense and see hidden patterns or the dynamics below the issues, which once illuminated can be resolved.

    Systems yearn for wholeness. Often, we are caught up in family dynamics and patterns that are based in exclusion – either intentional or unintentional. Through this practice, we can bring more vitality and flow into personal and collective life through an unfolding of interrelated movements and expression from different elements in the system.

  • Constellations can be a supportive practice to approach challenging situations and complex issues that are beyond straightforward solutions. It is particularly useful for:

    • Connecting to intention and purpose

    • Releasing patterns and unlocking flow around relationships, money, work, love, place, creativity, and more

    • Finding closure in personal and familial issues (known and unknown)

    • Connecting with the power of our ancestors and family line

    • Supporting with transitions and connecting to full potential

    • Opening creativity and innovation

    • Collective sense-making

    • Awareness-based decision making

Upcoming Workshops

Whether online, or in person, workshops are a great way to grow and explore, as well as to benefit from the power of a group. I regularly host online workshops and increasingly collaborate workshops and retreats hosted by others.

Upcoming events